
  • How much is a gram of iridium

    How much is a gram of iridium

    Iridium ore type: Iridium is usually associated with osmium and occurs in placer platinum ore. Osmium iridium ore is silver white or gray black shiny irregular small pieces. It often appears in the form of flat particles, flakes or hexagonal crystals. Specific gravity 19~21, Mohs hardness 6~7. Acc ...

    knowledgeadmin 2023-02-28 296
  • How much is the price of silver and palladium slurry per kilogram

    How much is the price of silver and palladium slurry per kilogram

    Palladium recovery spectrometer element1: Evaluate the elements of palladium recovery spectrometer. The diagram shows the schematic diagram of the electrical connector. However, the material and lead have a significant increase in relative to the surrounding melting temperature, and the price is ...

    knowledgeadmin 2023-02-28 312
  • Where can I recycle precious metals

    Where can I recycle precious metals

    The professionalism of precious metal recovery is very important. It is recommended that you choose a reputable professional recycling company or broker. Here are some suggestions for choosing professional precious metal recycling services:Internationally renowned brands: Choose internationally reno ...

    knowledge管理员 2023-02-28 308